
Macassar ebony is one of the most highly sought after woods in the world. It has gorgeous brown-black coloration, intermixed with lighter reddish-brown streaks. It is exceptionally hard, heavy, and strong. Ebony wood is often used in high-end cabinetry, wooden sculptures, billiard cues, small specialty items, and premium musical instruments.

Ebony wood has a long and rich history of use. The Greeks used it in the construction of the Parthenon; carved pieces of ebony wood have been found in numerous Ancient Egyptian tombs, including King Tut’s; and even the word “Ebony”, itself, has a rich history, having worked its way from the Ancient Egyptian word hbny, to modern-English. It is said to be a symbolically powerful wood that possesses protective energies, and is used as a symbol for transformation and change.

Macassar Ebony is named after the Makassar seaport in Indonesia – one of the primary points for its exportation. It is a slow growing tree that can reach heights of up to 65 feet, and 2 feet round. It generally grows in clusters, in lowland forests to low mountain regions.